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Supernova Page 6

  Viper clicked a couple of keys.

  “I’ve got some stuff, and it’s not pleasant.”

  “Well, let’s have it,” Rocket told him.

  “Santa Marita is a decent-size island off the coast of South America, population a little more than a hundred thousand. They grow cotton and coffee as well as teak and mahogany. There are also a couple of thriving tourist resorts that bring in a lot to the economy. The country has a steady, stable economy, and very little conflict. Or that’s the way it has been up until now.”

  “But?” Eagle looked across the table at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “But, that same rich, fertile soil is also great for growing coca plants and opium. Apparently, Barrera decided he wanted out of the Sinaloa cartel and to create his own. He was a smart man and planned carefully how to do it without Sinaloa coming after him. He also knew he needed a headquarters to operate from and create his little empire. From the time he and a large group of his thugs landed on the island until the takeover was complete was a little less than three months.”

  Blaze shook his head. “And with how many dead bodies?”

  Anger flashed in Viper’s eyes. “More than you want to know. They killed the elected president and many of his people and have terrorized the residents of the country. They’re everywhere and growing stronger.”

  “What happened to the Santa Marita police?” Eagle wanted to know.

  “Dead or disappeared.” Viper looked at Rocket. “Your girl walked into the situation from hell. Getting her out could be a lot trickier than rescuing her from the Taliban.”

  Rocket nodded. “Understood. And if any of you—”

  “Stop.” Blaze almost shouted the word. “We agreed from day one that if any of us are in a case, all of us are. This one’s a little different because of your prior connection to the victim, but we’re still all in.”

  “We’d take a client like Senator Kane anyway,” Viper reminded him. “Even after we saw these odds.” He grinned. “That’s our juice, man. We love the impossible.”

  “Yeah,” Eagle echoed, “so shut your face and let’s move forward.”

  “Getting you in there might not be a problem,” Blaze said, turning his laptop around so everyone could see it, “but getting the two of you out poses a bunch of problems.”

  “I agree.” Eagle used his digital pen to point at the map on the screen. “Remember. There’s only one airport on the island and it’s now controlled by Barrera. And ditto for the marina. And take a look at this place.”

  He again used his pen as a pointer. “Two thirds of the island is taken up by the city itself. Then there’s all the rich land which used to be used for growing things like mahogany and teak, produce and other stuff. Now it’s used to grow the raw ingredients for drugs. The rest of it is a jungle that goes almost all the way to the water. It ends at very rocky land with a cliff and steep drop-off to the water here.”

  He tapped the pen on the map. “Getting through the jungle is very tricky. We’ve done it before and Mallory kept up in Afghanistan, but still. It won’t be as easy for her.”

  “One slip,” Viper added, “and we’re looking at dead bodies.”

  “Yeah.” Blaze nodded. “No shit. Okay, we can assess it better when we get there.”

  “I’ll pull up everything I can find on Barrera,” Viper volunteered. “We need to know how and where they have their guerrillas set up and what their general operating method is.”

  “Let me see what I can dig up in the cartel pipelines.” Blaze looked around the table. “We need to get a feel for how Barrera operates, how erratic he is, what his triggers are. If we’re going to retrieve Mallory Kane from right under his nose, we have to be prepared for his reactions.”

  They went at it hot and heavy over the next couple of hours, until Eagle looked up from his screen. He tapped a couple of keys on his laptop. “I’m sending this map to the big printer in your den. Then I’ll lay it out on the table and we can begin to plan.” He looked over at Rocket. “All of us.”

  Rocket had to search for words. He knew about the “All in” pledge, as they’d once called it, but it had never meant more to him than now. He cleared his throat.


  “No thanks yet,” Blaze pointed out. “First we have to put a plan together, and for this mission, it’s gonna be a son of a bitch. So let’s get started. You should call Alicia Kane and tell her we’re putting a plan together and will move ASAP. Then you’d better call your woman and tell her we’re going to get her out of this.”

  Rocket grabbed his cell and wandered into his den so he’d have some privacy. Not having had any contact with Mallory for five years could make it a little awkward. He prayed that the situation was critical enough to bridge the five years without contact.

  He thought about Blaze’s words. His woman? Far from it at the moment, mostly due to his own pigheadedness. But if he had his way, hopefully after this was over, they could look at the future. Together.

  Chapter Four

  …his educated tongue drawing lines on the inside of her thighs. Flicking the swollen bud of her clit now throbbing with need. Shivers raced up and down her body, making the inner walls of her sex, wet with her juices, spasm in need. His mouth was great but what she really wanted was to feel his thick cock inside her, driving her to orgasm.

  “Inside me,” she begged in a hot whisper.

  “Not yet.” His low laugh set fire to her nerve endings. “I want to be sure you’re good and ready.”

  “I’m ready,” she insisted. “I’m more than damn ready.”

  In response he reached his hands up and pinched both of her aching nipples. Electricity darted through her and she arched her body.

  “Like that, do you?” His deep, rough voice rolled over her like a current of electricity.

  “Please fuck me,” she wanted to cry. “Please don’t tease me anymore.”

  Her body was shaking with need, so much that it actually vibrated. It—

  Wait, the vibrating was—

  Against her hip? Mallory’s eyes flew wide open as she was jolted out of her dream. She yanked her hand out of her shorts, where she’d apparently been acting out her insanely erotic dream, on the rooftop of all places. And the heat creeping up her cheeks had nothing to do with the heat generated by her dream. How in the damn hell had she allowed herself to fall asleep up here when she needed to be alert at all times? And how was it that if she was fully awake her hip was still vibrating?

  Because it’s your phone, you damn idiot.

  Wow! She really had been out of it.

  It was a burner phone, and besides Inez, only a couple of people had the number. She looked at the screen, relieved to see Alicia’s number but nervous about what she might have to say. Had she seen Rocket? Had he said he’d do this? She didn’t even have any idea what he was doing now, except her sister had said he’d left the SEALs and had something going with three friends of his, also former SEALs. Would he even be available? Have time for this?

  Or even want to?

  She pressed Accept.


  “Hey,” Alicia answered. “Can you talk? Are you in a safe place?”

  “Yes and no. Can you hear me? I have to keep it at a whisper.”

  “Okay. Then let’s keep it short. Your Rocket is on his way.”

  “He’s not mine,” she protested. “But he is? Really? Coming for me? He said he’d do it?”

  “He did. And without hesitation, I might add.”

  Relief surged through her. “So he wasn’t tied up with whatever it is he’s doing now?

  “Apparently not. He and his partners should be on their way soon.”

  She frowned. “Partners? In what?”

  “Well. It seems your rescuer lives up to the rumors. He’s partnered with three other former SEALs for an unusual rescue/protection agency called Galaxy. Their motto is ‘We are your last resort.’”

  Mallory was momentarily stunned, but t
hen she realized it suited him so well. He was the icon for every protector and savior anyone could imagine.

  “And they’ll do this?” she asked again.

  “Yes, and you should hear from him shortly that they will. I’m hanging up because he may be trying to call you even now. Mallory, you are so lucky to know him. I’m positive they’ll get this done.”

  Mallory was, too. “Thanks for finding them,” she whispered.

  “It wasn’t easy, but if they get you out of there, it was worth it.”

  “Okay, I’m hanging up,” Mallory told her. “I’ll keep in touch as best I can. Thank you again so much. Love you.”

  “Love you, too. See you soon.”

  She was about to slide the phone back into her pocket when it vibrated again. She looked and saw a text on the screen.

  It’s Rocket. I’m calling now. It’s okay to answer this number.

  She was glad he had sense enough to warn her, knowing she’d be leery of answering an unknown number. It a moment it vibrated again and she pressed Accept.


  “Hello, Mallory.”

  The moment she heard his voice, the deep timbre of it so reassuring, her jittery nerves she’d been working so hard to control began to settle, and every muscle in her body tightened. She hadn’t heard it for five years, yet it had hung around in her brain all this time, as familiar as if she’d just heard it yesterday. Time disappeared and she was back in that cave, writhing beneath that hard masculine body. And just seconds ago, she’d been immersed in an erotic dream about him, so hot she’d unconsciously been trying to bring herself to orgasm.

  She’d been metaphorically holding her breath to see if Alicia had connected with him and if he’d agree to help her. Five years was a long time and anything could have happened. Was he calling to tell her he was sorry he couldn’t do this? Maybe he’d even married and his wife wouldn’t be too happy about him going off to rescue an old… Friend? Hookup? Mission target? How would she even describe herself? No, apparently not, since he’d taken the assignment from Alicia and was already on his way.

  She clutched the cell phone so hard she was afraid she’d crack the case.

  “Rocket?” She whispered the word.

  “It’s me.” His voice still had that very sexy, rough edge to it, deep, the kind she felt in every molecule of her body. “Seems like you got yourself in a tight spot again.”

  Suddenly she knew everything would be okay. Whatever happened between them afterwards, he was going to get her out of here.

  She swallowed. “Apparently I have a talent for it.”

  “Don’t worry. We got you out once. We can do it again.”

  “You really are? Going to come here for me?”

  “Could I do anything else?”

  “Thank you.” She blew out a breath of relief. “Thank you for calling and for agreeing to do this.”

  God. If he’d said no, she had no other options.

  “There’s no way I’d say no,” he assured her.

  “Even after all this time?” She kept her voice at a whisper. “I mean…”

  “And that’s my fault, not yours. I’ve kicked myself for it a hundred times. But we can talk about that when we get you out of there. Now listen. I need to ask some things.”

  “Okay.” She relaxed a little, or as much as she could under the circumstances. “But let me just say thank you again.”

  “Plenty of time for that after we get you out. First. Are you in a safe place where you can stay for a couple more days? Your sister said you’re with your friend Inez. Are you okay there?”

  “Sort of.” She was still lying flat on the roof and she didn’t hear anything from the house below her. She had no idea if anyone had discovered her hiding place. She knew nothing. She’d been indulging herself in erotic dreams instead of protecting herself. She had to believe Inez would have found a way to warn her if there was trouble.

  “What do you mean?” His voice sharpened.

  “Now she’s hiding me in the attic since I came to the attention of Barrera’s thugs.” She lowered her voice until she was nearly whispering. “And Inez told me that Ruben Vidal, Barrera’s top lieutenant, has twice this week had a car full of his so-called soldiers actually drag someone out of their house to arrest them. At least they said arrest, but who knows.”

  “Damn. Mallory, I—”

  “It’s okay. You wouldn’t believe how hard it would be to find where I’m hiding. The panels are exceptionally well concealed.”

  Rocket was silent for a moment. “You can keep your cell charged, right? I promise you my partners and I will have a plan together to get you out of there, but I want to be able to keep in touch with you so you know what’s going on.”

  “So you’re really going to try to get me out of this?” she asked again. And didn’t she just sound stupid.

  “No, we’re actually going to get you out of this.”

  Relief surged through her like a tidal wave. “Thank you, I—”

  “You can thank me when you’re away from Santa Marita. Like I said, find a way to keep your cell charged because that’s our only way to contact you.”

  “I will. I definitely will.”

  “Text me Inez’s address and anything other details you think we need to put this together.”

  “I’ll do that as soon as we hang up.”

  “Good. Okay, hang tight. I’ll get back to you as soon as I have details for you.” There was an infinitesimal pause. “That’s a promise.”

  The call ended and Mallory lay there, her mind whirling. First of all, brutal killers were looking for her and she’d just been lying on the roof having an erotic dream and pleasuring herself? She really was losing her mind. And she was still shocked that John ‘Rocket’ Hardin had actually said yes to Alicia’s request.

  She went over every word of the conversation in her mind. Had she said the right things? The wrong things? Damn! She felt like she was eighteen years old instead of thirty-five. But that interlude in the cave with Rocket had been the most memorable episode of her life, bar none. She should have found a way to find him after she was safely home.

  Of course, he could have looked for her, too, she thought. But he’d been an active-duty Navy SEAL, so his time was surely more obligated than hers. And after months had passed, then a year, then more years, she was too afraid that he either wouldn’t remember her or would act like she was just another piece of ass. She thought he probably had plenty.

  Cut it out!

  Even with the hot sex they’d indulged in, he had treated her with the utmost respect. She had no reason to think that had changed, even if in all this time he had never reached out to find her. But none of that mattered. He was coming to help her now. And soon, she hoped. It couldn’t be soon enough for her.

  What on earth was she doing here in Santa Marita, anyway? People had warned her about the volatile situation in the country when she’d told a very few confidantes what she had planned. This was foolhardy, all because she was hyped about doing another book that exposed how a population was being terrorized and bringing it to the attention of the world at large. Now she was trapped here with a target on her back. How would these guys even get her out of here?

  As soon as she disconnected, she texted Rocket Inez’s address, a description of the house and that she was spending a lot of time after dark on the roof. She lay there, holding the phone close to her body, letting both conversations chase each other in her mind, until Inez eased up the flap.

  “Mallory.” The word was whispered.

  Mallory rolled onto her side to see Inez’s head just emerging from the trap door.

  “Yes?” She held her breath, hoping Inez wasn’t about to tell her that her brother was home and all hell was about to break loose.

  “Come down and go to bed. Take your sleep when you can get it.”

  “It’s nice up here.” She managed a smile.

  “But you can’t spend the night here. Come on. The at
tic isn’t much, but at least you can sleep on something softer than the roof.”

  “You’re right. Thanks.”

  She eased down the short ladder until she was in the sweltering confines of the attic and made her way to the sleeping bag Inez had fixed her up with. There was a tiny window right up near the ceiling that allowed in enough air so she didn’t sweat to death or suffocate. And she gave thanks for the roof, but that was really only safe after dark.

  “You know the attic opens to my bedroom,” Inez reminded her. “And you can sneak into the shower. Come on. Maybe your friend will get here sooner than you think.”

  “I hope.” Mallory sat up. “I have to get out of here before Barrera comes banging at the door. I shouldn’t have asked so many questions.”

  “But you needed to get the information,” Inez reminded her, “if you are going to tell our story. And hopefully that is what your friend is going to make happen. Come on. We need to be quick about this.”

  When she was finished in the bathroom, with Inez standing guard, she climbed the stepstool to the attic which Inez then hid in her room. God. She certainly hoped Rocket and his friends would get here before Barrera and his men got their hands on her.

  * * * *

  “I’ve got something.” Blaze sat back in his chair, looking at his computer screen.

  Viper scowled. “It can’t be good, if the look on your face means anything.”

  “It’s Barrera’s history, and it’s a fucking mess. Not looking good at all.” He clicked a key. “It seems he spent ten years working his way up in the Sinaloa cartel, and doing a damn good job. He was a lieutenant in one of the regional groups when the kingpin decided his nephew deserved the honor. Barrera could have made a stink, but he decided success was the best revenge.”

  He clicked a key again.

  “He gathered his closest, most trusted henchmen and they beat feet to Santa Marita. He purchased a mansion the cheap way—killing the owners and taking possession—and from there it just got worse. By the end of a year, he’d built his own army of disgruntled Santa Marita thugs, intimidated businesses that he needed to bend under his thumb. Destroyed the other agricultural activities of the country, of course.”